You are probably asking right now: so what should I do? How to start building my vertical jump? What I need to do to jump higher?

Here are your answers:

The best option is to buy a complete training program (see Program Reviews). This cost some but the truth is good training program is worth it. But choice must be wise.

What if you don't want to buy one? Money is sometimes a problem, I agree with that.

First thing you wanna do is to get some basic strength. Don't even think about doing any plyometrics before getting strong enough. What does it mean?

You need to go to the gym first. See how much can you squat, bench press and dead lift. Compare that to your bodyweight. 

Dead lift has to be higher than your bodyweight. Squat should be at level of your bodyweight. Bench press can be lower than your bodyweight.

Example for 150 lbs athlete: 

Squat - enough: 150 Lbs | best: 200+ lbs

Dead lift - enough: 150 lbs | best: 200+ lbs

Bench Press - enough: 100 lbs | best: 150+ lbs

Of course the more you can press/lift, the better. Without enough level of strength don't even think about doing any other training than strength training. 

Forget any speed work, agility, first step quickness... From now you don't care about nothing but getting strong as hell! Do only strength training and stretching. 

What if you already have that level of strength? Still don't neglect weight training. Remember the more you can squat, the more power in legs you'll have.

But now you can add some other exercises. In the days when you're not training with weights, you can add plyometrics. But don't overdo it! Getting injured is the worst thing that can happen to you. Always keep that in mind!

Here are some training programs I recommend :

Do this three times a week with at least 24 hour rest in between. NOTE: Don't start this if you are still growing. Unless you're at least 16 yrs old, don't start it! 

Workout (Mon, Wed, Fri)

1). Squat - Sets: 3 Reps: 1-20

2). Chin-up - Sets: 3 Reps: Max - 2

3). Bench Press - Sets: 3 Reps: 1-12

4). Calf Raise - Sets: 3 Reps: 10-20

5). Dead Lift - Sets: 3 Reps: 1-12

6). Hanging Leg Raise - Sets: 3 Reps: Max - 2

In every exercise (except chin-ups, do them only with your bodyweight) use maximum weight you can, but without cheating. When able, do  more . When reach max reps for exercise, raise weight. No earlier. 


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